Do you need sales incentives to inspire or reward your employees?
Do you need sales incentives to inspire or reward your employees?
A gift card from GoGift can do exactly that!
A gift card from GoGift can do exactly that!
Are you tired of giving the same old-school, impersonal cash rewards to your well-performing employees?
Start giving a more personal gift, such as a gift card from GoGift, that can not only reward but also motivate your employees. Read more about how gift cards can be the perfect addition to your sales incentives programs below.
Are you tired of giving the same old-school, impersonal cash rewards to your well-performing employees?
Start giving a more personal gift, such as a gift card from GoGift, that can not only reward but also motivate your employees. Read more about how gift cards can be the perfect addition to your sales incentives programs below.
What is a sales incentive?
An incentive is, in other words, a reward. It can motivate and encourage your employees to perform better, feel good about themselves, and it can, in general, lead to better well-being of your employees.
Create motivation and better employee satisfaction
Sales incentives are often used to motivate employees in the sales team or to acquire better customer loyalty. The idea of a sales incentives program is to reward great performances individually or team-wise. When people are rewarded for an excellent effort, they feel motivated to keep on working to achieve their goals. Also, sales incentives make the employees feel appreciated.
What is a sales incentive?
An incentive is, in other words, a reward. It can motivate and encourage your employees to perform better, feel good about themselves, and it can, in general, lead to better well-being of your employees.
Create motivation and better employee satisfaction
Sales incentives are often used to motivate employees in the sales team or to acquire better customer loyalty. The idea of a sales incentives program is to reward great performances individually or team-wise. When people are rewarded for an excellent effort, they feel motivated to keep on working to achieve their goals. Also, sales incentives make the employees feel appreciated.
A sales incentive for all
A sales incentive is not just cold cash rewards; it can also be an object, an item of value, an event, or a desired action. Whatever your colleagues are inspired by, you can find it at GoGift: We have experienced that a gift card is a perfect choice for sales incentives due to the large selection of different things that our gift card gives access to.
With our Global Gift Card, your employee or customer has a free choice to choose if the gift card should go to a dinner with family or friends, new clothing, a new exciting experience, or something completely different. The selection is big, and we guarantee that there is something for all of your workers.
Why use Gift Cards for sales incentive?
There are a lot of good reasons for using gift cards as sales incentives. And because of the flexibility of The Global Gift Card from GoGift, you can use it for all kinds of sales incentives. Give it to your sales team members for good performances or send your regards to a new business partner.
No matter what reason you have to use a sales incentive or make a sales incentives program, it is a win-win situation: Your employees win because they are rewarded for their hard work, and your company wins because it is more likely to achieve the company goals.
You can read more about how you can use a gift card for sales incentives below.
Employee Awards
Have your sales team performed above average? A great way to reward and motivate your employees, even more is by giving them a gift card to spend on whatever they want, however, and whenever they like.
Consumer Promotion
A great way to create better customer loyalty is by giving gift cards that your clients can use how they want. You can also raise customer satisfaction with a gift card from GoGift. If you have international business partners, remember our Global Gift Card is cross-borders and cross-currencies - read more about this further down the page.
Festive Gifting
Congratulate your employees on a good, profitable year on New Year’s Eve, or celebrate the festive days with a gift card from GoGift. It is the perfect way to send your coworkers home with motivation and happiness running through their veins.
Retention Programs
A gift card now and then can help you maintain your most valuable assets: Your employees. Employee satisfaction costs time and money, and an easy way to raise the satisfaction of your employees is to give a gift card for them to spend how they want.
Sales incentives increase the overall perfromance!
Studies show that sales incentive programs aimed at individual workers increase performance by 22 per cent, and programs aimed at teams increase performance by a staggering 44 per cent. No matter how you choose to reward your employees, you are most likely to gain from it. Start by giving gift cards from GoGift that can be used by everyone on a lot of different things.
The Global Gift Card from GoGift!
Are you looking to boost sales, motivate employees or gain a higher customer value? Then the Global Gift Card is the solution for you. Our Global Gift Card is the absolute, most popular gift card for businesses as it can be used for motivation and rewards. And what better way to reward your employees than a gift they will appreciate and love?
With the Global Gift Card, you can freely choose the card’s value, and the receiver has a free choice of where the card should be used and on what.
A gift that can travel across borders!
With The Global Gift Card, you can send thoughts, presents and motivation across borders and get the card’s value transferred to another currency. That means; if you have bought a card in one country, it can be transferred to another country and another valuta. You can buy as many gift cards as you want, customise and personalise them, and we are responsible for the delivery to all the countries where you have employees. It has never been easier to create a sales incentives program for your entire international business.
A gift card that gives access to different things
When your employees receive the Global Gift Card, they are free to choose between all the different stores, webshops and experiences that can be found at GoGift. That way, you are sure to give a gift that your employees can find a use for.
The gift card has a long expiration date, so the receiver can take their time selecting from the wide variety of shops and experiences that can be found at GoGift.
A sales incentive for all
A sales incentive is not just cold cash rewards; it can also be an object, an item of value, an event, or a desired action. Whatever your colleagues are inspired by, you can find it at GoGift: We have experienced that a gift card is a perfect choice for sales incentives due to the large selection of different things that our gift card gives access to.
With our Global Gift Card, your employee or customer has a free choice to choose if the gift card should go to a dinner with family or friends, new clothing, a new exciting experience, or something completely different. The selection is big, and we guarantee that there is something for all of your workers.
Why use Gift Cards for sales incentive?
There are a lot of good reasons for using gift cards as sales incentives. And because of the flexibility of The Global Gift Card from GoGift, you can use it for all kinds of sales incentives. Give it to your sales team members for good performances or send your regards to a new business partner.
No matter what reason you have to use a sales incentive or make a sales incentives program, it is a win-win situation: Your employees win because they are rewarded for their hard work, and your company wins because it is more likely to achieve the company goals.
You can read more about how you can use a gift card for sales incentives below.
Employee Awards
Have your sales team performed above average? A great way to reward and motivate your employees, even more is by giving them a gift card to spend on whatever they want, however, and whenever they like.
Consumer Promotion
A great way to create better customer loyalty is by giving gift cards that your clients can use how they want. You can also raise customer satisfaction with a gift card from GoGift. If you have international business partners, remember our Global Gift Card is cross-borders and cross-currencies - read more about this further down the page.
Festive Gifting
Congratulate your employees on a good, profitable year on New Year’s Eve, or celebrate the festive days with a gift card from GoGift. It is the perfect way to send your coworkers home with motivation and happiness running through their veins.
Retention Programs
A gift card now and then can help you maintain your most valuable assets: Your employees. Employee satisfaction costs time and money, and an easy way to raise the satisfaction of your employees is to give a gift card for them to spend how they want.
Sales incentives increase the overall perfromance!
Studies show that sales incentive programs aimed at individual workers increase performance by 22 per cent, and programs aimed at teams increase performance by a staggering 44 per cent. No matter how you choose to reward your employees, you are most likely to gain from it. Start by giving gift cards from GoGift that can be used by everyone on a lot of different things.
The Global Gift Card from GoGift!
Are you looking to boost sales, motivate employees or gain a higher customer value? Then the Global Gift Card is the solution for you. Our Global Gift Card is the absolute, most popular gift card for businesses as it can be used for motivation and rewards. And what better way to reward your employees than a gift they will appreciate and love?
With the Global Gift Card, you can freely choose the card’s value, and the receiver has a free choice of where the card should be used and on what.
A gift that can travel across borders!
With The Global Gift Card, you can send thoughts, presents and motivation across borders and get the card’s value transferred to another currency. That means; if you have bought a card in one country, it can be transferred to another country and another valuta. You can buy as many gift cards as you want, customise and personalise them, and we are responsible for the delivery to all the countries where you have employees. It has never been easier to create a sales incentives program for your entire international business.
A gift card that gives access to different things
When your employees receive the Global Gift Card, they are free to choose between all the different stores, webshops and experiences that can be found at GoGift. That way, you are sure to give a gift that your employees can find a use for.
The gift card has a long expiration date, so the receiver can take their time selecting from the wide variety of shops and experiences that can be found at GoGift.
¿No te gustaría crecer tu negocio ofreciendo recompensas memorables que atraigan y
retengan a los clientes?
Ofrezca un incentivo más personal con The Global Gift Card de GoGift, una interacción gratificante y motivadora.
Su Solución Global
La industria del consumo ahora enfatiza canales y ofertas digitales más que nunca. Transformándose con las tendencias de consumo, The Global Gift Card de GoGift se ha convertido en un importante incentivo digital canjeable por vales de regalo en todo el mundo. Las ventas B2B han estado creciendo con resiliencia, y la industria de tarjetas de regalo ya no se considera exclusiva para el consumidor, ahora es un concepto reconocido por negocios mundialmente.
Muchas empresas ahora se enfocan en retener a sus empleados, recompensar al personal e implementar estrategias de generación de leads a través de incentivos y recompensas digitales.
Creamos una solución global para un panorama de consumidores en constante cambio, y con tantos usos diferentes, The Global Gift Card casi parece ilimitada.
Compruébelo usted mismo.
La Global Gift Card puede fortalecer tus estrategias de campaña ayudando a atraer, involucrar y convertir a tus objetivos. Las tarjetas de regalo son una excelente manera de llamar la atención de los clientes y motivarlos a iniciar compras y continuar usando tus servicios.
¿Cómo puede The Global Gift Card mejorar mis campañas de marketing?
Ventas adicionales – Impulse nuevos productos ofreciendo tarjetas de regalo junto con una compra
Genere demanda – Envíe un incentivo que cada tipo de comprador en el embudo de marketing pueda disfrutar y obtenga una ventaja competitiva
Recompensas por lealtad – Ofrezca a los clientes leales la posibilidad de elegir entre miles de opciones de recompensas en lugar de un descuento
Publicidad efectiva y rentable – Crea conciencia de marca con nuestras opciones de personalización gratuitas y haz un impacto memorable con tus clientes
Campañas ABM – Crea valor para sus cuentas objetivo y convierta rápidamente clientes potenciales en clientes leales a través de la creación de relaciones memorables
Compromiso del consumidor – Use un incentivo todo en uno para lograr que las personas se interesen en su marca y crea un trayecto de consumo significativo para el cliente al recompensar la promoción
Marketing de campo – Destaque e impulse los registros y la asistencia mientras generas clientes potenciales sorprendiendo a tus prospectos en eventos presenciales o experiencias virtuales
Desarrollo de negocios – ¿Necesita solicitar más reuniones? Envíe un regalo que realmente motive a tus prospectos y conéctese con los prospectos perdidos ofreciéndoles algo de tu parte
La Global Gift Card es la herramienta de marketing perfecta; considérala un socio experimentado que está listo para impulsar creativamente los enfoques de tu campaña. GoGift puede ayudarte a mejorar tu programa de tarjetas de regalo con una solución adaptada a los objetivos, necesidades y consumidores específicos de su empresa.
A veces se olvida que la entrega de regalos y los incentivos son beneficiosos para todas las industrias. Las tarjetas de regalo han hecho que el acto de compartir y el crecimiento de su negocio sea fácil y gratificante para los donantes, los destinatarios y las empresas de tecnología por igual. Esto es importante porque hoy en día hay demasiadas opciones de tarjetas de regalo disponibles para los consumidores; hablemos de la fatiga de la decisión. ¡Pero The Global Gift Card de GoGift lo tiene todo y más! Porque es verdaderamente transfronteriza y multidivisa, satisfaciendo todas tus necesidades de regalos en cualquier parte del mundo.
¿Cómo puede The Global Gift Card ayudar a mi negocio de tecnología, medios o telecomunicaciones?
Reclutar participación – Consiga más participantes en su formación sobre nuevos productos, de modo que sus empleados se conviertan en expertos en su campo y aumente las ventas y las compras en general garantizando la confianza de los compradores
Impulsar productos – Atraiga a los clientes para que prueben un nuevo producto ofreciéndoles una tarjeta de regalo junto con su compra
Cambie de competidor – Gane a su competencia mediante recompensas significativas en las campañas de marketing
Aumentar cantidad de compras – utilice las tarjetas regalo para motivar la compra de mayores cantidades de un solo producto o la suscripción a ofertas de servicios más caras
Promociones cruzadas – Crear el impulso para probar productos relacionados en su oferta
Sorteos – Utilícelos internamente para premiar a su equipo de ventas o para promocionar productos y/o reseñas a través de concursos en las redes sociales
Intercambios – Ofrezca tarjetas de regalo a cambio de aparatos tecnológicos, como cuando la gente devuelve sus viejos teléfonos móviles u ordenadores
Regalos para las fiestas – Aprovecha la temporada de festividades, como la Navidad, por ejemplo, para regalar tarjetas de regalo con la compra de tus productos y hazlo divertido y competitivo para tu público
El resultado final: La Global Gift Card es la mejor manera de incentivar al sector de la tecnología, los medios de comunicación y las telecomunicaciones. Usted ofrece a sus clientes y empleados una forma de apoyar su marca. A cambio, ellos obtienen acceso a un catálogo global de miles de marcas para elegir al canjear su tarjeta regalo como una recompensa especial.
El sector automotriz lleva mucho tiempo utilizando las tarjetas regalo para sus promociones. De hecho, según McKinsey, entre el 10% y el 20% de los ingresos de un fabricante de automóviles se destina a incentivos. Si nos fijamos en los concesionarios, los ingresos de las tarjetas regalo cubren con creces el costo de su adquisición. Los clientes se sienten valorados cuando reciben una tarjeta regalo y es más probable que realicen una compra en un concesionario que les ofrece algo adicional.
¿Cómo puede la Global Gift Card ayudar a atraer clientes y a impulsar las ventas de mi concesionario?
Incrementar las ventas – Ofrezca tarjetas de regalo para atraer a más personas a su concesionario, aunque no piensen que van a comprar un vehículo; es una forma definitiva de iniciar la conversación
Fidelización de clientes – Un programa de recompensas del concesionario que ofrece tarjetas de regalo junto con los cambios de aceite y otros servicios automovilísticos probablemente hará que el cliente vuelva a su centro de servicio por las ventajas adicionales
Impulsar venta de otros productos – Ofrece tarjetas regalo de valor creciente para los vehículos y productos con más prestaciones y mejoras
Ferias comerciales – Las tarjetas regalo de marca son el incentivo perfecto para una valoración en una feria o para probar un vehículo
Objetivos de compra – Haz que sea motivador para tu base de clientes, permitiéndoles obtener tarjetas de regalo cuando alcancen objetivos de compra específicos, por ejemplo, un nuevo juego de neumáticos o accesorios adicionales
Cultura competitiva – A todos nos gusta la competencia sana, especialmente cuando la recompensa depende de nuestra elección, así que ofrezca a los representantes de ventas de su concesionario una razón para vender con un programa de recompensas para empleados destinado a que se comprometan con el mayor número posible de participantes
Los incentivos impulsan el comportamiento, y la Global Gift Card puede convertir a sus clientes potenciales en compradores de automóviles. ¿A quién no le gusta recibir una recompensa sólo por probar un coche o comprar piezas? Las tarjetas regalo ayudan a crear una estrategia centrada en el producto para un crecimiento incremental en la industria automovilística.
Los incentivos para fabricantes son beneficiosos para recompensar a los socios y clientes para que compren sus productos. El objetivo principal de los fabricantes es encontrar nuevas formas de promocionar su marca y sus productos y ganarse a los socios del canal destacando entre la competencia. La fundación de incentivos,